Welcome, massageshops, isanshindow
InJapan, during your trip, whenyou aretired, massage, orwouldbewhat?
It is a shopofmassagesomeofJapan, Hokkaido, inAbashiri.
Two peoplecouple, I run.
I amqualified asJapan, themasseuris anational qualification, Orientalmedicine.

Full body massage: 45 minutes
Fee:4200 yen (Japanese Yen only)
Hours:09:30 to 19:30
Finalacceptance: 18:30
Every Wednesday and First or third Thursday: Closed
OpenSaturday and Sunday
:0152-61 -1189phone
On the phone, and thename, date and time, the reservation, thank you for time.

6-chome9addressJapanHokkaidoAbashirisouthArticle 7: East address

Access:From JRAbashiriStation, 5minutesby car, about4km 50-minute walk

Katsuradaifrom JRstation, 15minutewalk

FromAbashiriBus Terminal, a 3-minute drive, 15minutewalk

From the stationofdrift icehighwayAbashiriroad, 500m

★We, donot speakJapanese andonlya little bitofEnglish
Tohealthe fatigue of thejourney, I am waiting.



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